Don't just settle for what you have... strive for more; want more; get more, and especially BE More!
I believe in prayer, I also believe we can have more. We don't need to settle for what we have. We can have "it" and more.
We just have to know that it is possible with hard work and persistence. A consistent need is there to keep our eyes on the prize. All of us must be willing to admit what "it" is that we want.
In other words, if we don't know what we want, then how are we ever going to get "it"? Sometimes it isn't black and white or cut and dry.
First, evaluate where you are in your life; is it where you want to be? Or is it where you think you are supposed to be? Have you just settled for comfortably numb? Or do you strive to have more? To be more? To do more?
If you don't know, it might just be that you haven't spent much time pondering on your scenario, as I said; coasting through comfortably numb.
If you are completely unhappy with your situation; then CHANGE IT! Only you know the extent of your misery, and ONLY YOU can change your surroundings...
Why be completely miserable and just wait or even HOPE to Die? I truly believe we (each and every one of us) were put here for a specific reason. Like the chain link of life.
I have been and am still back and forth; doubting, wondering my purpose; but, then I think about my abilities, skills, and my beautiful family...then I remember.
First, evaluate where you are in your life; is it where you want to be? Or is it where you think you are supposed to be? Have you just settled for comfortably numb? Or do you strive to have more? To be more? To do more?
If you don't know, it might just be that you haven't spent much time pondering on your scenario, as I said; coasting through comfortably numb.
If you are completely unhappy with your situation; then CHANGE IT! Only you know the extent of your misery, and ONLY YOU can change your surroundings...
Why be completely miserable and just wait or even HOPE to Die? I truly believe we (each and every one of us) were put here for a specific reason. Like the chain link of life.
I have been and am still back and forth; doubting, wondering my purpose; but, then I think about my abilities, skills, and my beautiful family...then I remember.
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