What Made Me Stronger...

I know I am not the only one who has lost a child/young adult. That is one of my motivations for writing my blogs; I feel that I have advice for others going through this same type of loss.

This is what has made me stronger; and yet somehow I am still here. I am stronger than I thought, and so are you!

Unique & Unusual! We Are The People


I am hoping that everyone can be filled with love and compassion for their fellow humans. And feel the wonderful in today and in OTHERS!

We as individuals make up the population; WE ARE THE PEOPLE!
I think we need to keep this information in the frontal lobes of our brains!

So many times I feel that we are snubbed by the people that should have a little respect for us, even if they may not agree with every part of what we do.

I do know that by allowing the same "friends" to take advantage of us; only holds us back with resentment and more. I will try my best to not snub anyone, but especially my friends. 
My true real friends. Which I hope you all remember your friends; also remember to be a good friend. That is the best way to have good friends, is to be one!

Just rambling again I suppose. So, I hope you all find the wonderful in today some how, some way! Remember to stop and smell the flowers so to speak.

Feel Free To Check out my other writings: Lets Talk Jive Turkey

About Me

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My personal journey in life includes being an advocate for suicide prevention and awareness surrounding the stigmas.