What Made Me Stronger...

I know I am not the only one who has lost a child/young adult. That is one of my motivations for writing my blogs; I feel that I have advice for others going through this same type of loss.

This is what has made me stronger; and yet somehow I am still here. I am stronger than I thought, and so are you!

Suicide Survival ~ Awareness And Prevention Of Suicide

I am not an expert on the subject, by any means; but, unfortunately, I have had my share of losing people to themselves (suicide). It is my opinion that we are all put here for a reason, and I feel like I am the voice of many. A voice for the stigmas that people have, not only about suicide but about the people they left behind. 

I do believe that with enough people at least becoming aware of the signs of a person in distress. Maybe you do not really know what to say to them or what to do to help; then tell someone you trust. Tell them exactly that... that you do not know what to do, however, you feel a friend or an acquaintance, is in trouble.

Be there to listen. Be There To Listen! 
I said that twice for a reason. Sometimes we feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off our shoulders after we have a good talk with someone. We can be that person who allows another to let off steam; without the fear of judgment.

About Me

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My personal journey in life includes being an advocate for suicide prevention and awareness surrounding the stigmas.