What Made Me Stronger...

I know I am not the only one who has lost a child/young adult. That is one of my motivations for writing my blogs; I feel that I have advice for others going through this same type of loss.

This is what has made me stronger; and yet somehow I am still here. I am stronger than I thought, and so are you!


Feeling Down? Some believe it can be cured!

Feeling Down? Some believe it can be cured!
Many people believe that depression can be cured (imagine the possibilities). I do believe in getting some control over our emotions, however, I am on the bandwagon for a cure.
I feel we sometimes turn in a tailspin; the depression chases us into laziness, laziness then creates a backlog, the backlog creates more depression, and so on and so forth. I am convinced that we have some power to pull ourselves up or talk ourselves into doing the things that create motion; Motion Creates Energy! Just getting into that long overdue shower, or changing into some colorful clothes can give you a lift. Try out that new eye shadow you've been wanting to try. 
Do something that makes YOU Happy!

I know from experience, that we are the ones who know what we are feeling; we sort of know when we are getting too deep into our pity party. And that is when we need to reach out to our beloved family and friends. I know I most always feel better after a few phone conversations or a quick coffee hook-up.

Click Here To Read More
Highly Recommend this reading. 
Feel free to bookmark now and come back to my blog later. 
Thank you and have an awesome day (you have learned how much of a part that you play in this, for it to work)!
If your condition isn't something that you can pull yourself out of then I beg of you to seek help from someone you trust and/or the professionals!

1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Yes, They even have a FaceBook page


Please understand that when you take your own life; you aren't really just hurting yourself, or "just taking yourself out" you are "taking out" anyone that loves and cares for you, and even the people who don't know you are affected by the loss of YOU!
I also have a Facebook page advocating for suicide awareness and prevention.

About Me

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My personal journey in life includes being an advocate for suicide prevention and awareness surrounding the stigmas.