Pull yourself up and out of whatever you are not being successful at; and spend more time doing the things that make you happy and filled with purpose for doing so.
I feel it just may be my calling in life, to tell others just how painful and life changing it is to the people you leave behind.
We all have a true purpose for being here; some people seek and act on that purpose while others do not. I hope that you do find and act on your own purposes.
Go for those dreams and goals you had before "life happened"!
My hope for each and every human to become over the top happy and be extremely confident with themselves. With the hope that you can find your deepest joy in life!
We all have a true purpose for being here; some people seek and act on that purpose while others do not. I hope that you do find and act on your own purposes.
Go for those dreams and goals you had before "life happened"!
My hope for each and every human to become over the top happy and be extremely confident with themselves. With the hope that you can find your deepest joy in life!
God Bless.
Feel free to visit one of my other blogs, that I have dedicated to my eldest Son.
Or My FaceBook Page: Stop Suicide One Stigma At A Time
My eldest son is still amazing if he would have-could have held on... he would be- could be rich by now.
He found his niche but didn't know how or have total support for his goals.
My eldest son is still amazing if he would have-could have held on... he would be- could be rich by now.
He found his niche but didn't know how or have total support for his goals.

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