What Made Me Stronger...

I know I am not the only one who has lost a child/young adult. That is one of my motivations for writing my blogs; I feel that I have advice for others going through this same type of loss.

This is what has made me stronger; and yet somehow I am still here. I am stronger than I thought, and so are you!


People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self centered: Forgive Them Anyway.

Trust Takes Years To Build, And literally SECONDS To Destroy!

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered: Forgive Them Anyway. 

They often do not even realize how unbelievably abyss to their own idioticracy! In other words; they don't always see how much of an ass-nine they are really being!
Of course though on a daily basis, we will encounter people that are just plain mean! There are times when I have a hard time with other people's attitudes and vice versa.
The only thing we can do is smile, and not let them consume our time with anger. Maybe that will be the only smile a stranger (or otherwise) has given them in days or more!

Isn't it nice to know that we can make changes to society; one smile, one word, a nod or even one wave at a time.
Have you ever thought about someone later, after knowing they were having a hard go of things?  
I believe we can make a difference to Educate Others and


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When you are going through something that is painful or that challenges your strengths; please remember that there is usually a solution and that the pain will lessen with time. And yes it can be really rough sometimes. How much time depends on the problem, situation and of course your attitude. It is a hard lesson to learn the moment you realize and face up to the fact that life isn't always gonna be fair.


Regrets can last a lifetime!

Regrets can last a lifetime; think first, as so that you may have as few as possible!

We all have the same 24 hours in a day; it is how you choose to spend yours that matters!

Your tomorrow may or may not come.

You always think there will be a later, or another time...

You just never know when the tomorrows will run out.

Absolutely Stunning Water Color Tattoos!

Get doing what it is you want to be doing, don't wait until you no longer have that choice anymore. We all have the same 24 hours... it is what you do with yours that counts.

If you think there will always be a tomorrow I am afraid you have been misinformed.


Finding ones own souls purpose!

Pull yourself up and out of whatever you are not being successful at; and spend more time doing the things that make you happy and filled with purpose for doing so.

I feel it just may be my calling in life, to tell others just how painful and life changing it is to the people you leave behind. 

We all have a true purpose for being here; some people seek and act on that purpose while others do not. I hope that you do find and act on your own purposes
 Go for those dreams and goals you had before "life happened"!

  My hope for each and every human to become over the top happy and be extremely confident with themselves.  With the hope that you can find your deepest joy in life! 
God Bless.

  Feel free to visit one of my other blogs, that I have dedicated to my eldest Son.


Or My FaceBook Page: Stop Suicide One Stigma At A Time

My eldest son is still amazing if he would have-could have held on... he would be- could be rich by now. 
He found his niche but didn't know how or have total support for his goals.

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I Wonder often, If there is anyone left...

I wonder often; if there is anyone left. Anyone left to carry on the wonderful memories, knowledge of the way things once were. Back when life was simply a time to cherish. The roaring laughter, the punch lines that seemed to never end! One joke would continue to get funnier with each contributor. Each adding their own precisely timed puns; to the already ROFLOAO funny joke!!! We could laugh at ourselves and each other for the cost of a red face. Your stomach muscles ached so good and tears of joy would  roll.  Occasionally I  wonder if that kind of happiness will ever exist again.

Are we slowing losing our laughter to the point of extinction? Are the days when you could breathe in and out like clockwork seizing to exist?  Will the next generation be as forgiving and understanding as this crazy and fun past generation.  I not only miss these amazing times of love, liberty and laughter; I miss my "people" dearly. 

I hope that the next generation can experience this type of happiness with their family (new and old). That they can find it in their heart to be compassionate and understanding towards all others; not just family. If you have a passion for people, your "family" has no limits. 

Some families stay large and grow rapidly; while others experience many loses, sooner as opposed to later. This generation of our family has experienced many of those over the past century. My heart aches, not only for my very up-close-and-personal loss of my eldest Son, but also for the numerous other family members as well as others that are experiencing the same tragic loss (the lose of an offspring). You know it is in the history that we must care for and then bury our parents; but you never want to experience losing your children, no matter how old they are. 

You don't feel much like laughing after these events. That is where faith comes in and you must use it. So, my hope is that people will try not to be so mean to others, because you just never know when your time is up; you don't want to have any regrets

So, my advice (take it or leave it) is to Laugh as hard as you Love; And Live like it is your Last Day! Stay true to yourself and others, and leave a little wiggle room for mistakes; but fix them fast. Dream with goals to achieve them; Work Hard and Play Safe!


Don't just settle for what you have

Don't just settle for what you have... strive for more; want more; get more, and especially BE More!

I believe in prayer, I also believe we can have more. We don't need to settle for what we have. We can have "it" and more. 
We just have to know that it is possible with hard work and persistence. A consistent need is there to keep our eyes on the prize. All of us must be willing to admit what "it" is that we want. 

In other words, if we don't know what we want, then how are we ever going to get "it"? Sometimes it isn't black and white or cut and dry.

First, evaluate where you are in your life; is it where you want to be? Or is it where you think you are supposed to be? Have you just settled for comfortably numb? Or do you strive to have more? To be more? To do more?
If you don't know, it might just be that you haven't spent much time pondering on your scenario, as I said; coasting through comfortably numb.

If you are completely unhappy with your situation; then CHANGE IT! Only you know the extent of your misery, and ONLY YOU can change your surroundings...

Why be completely miserable and just wait or even HOPE to Die? I truly believe we (each and every one of us) were put here for a specific reason. Like the chain link of life.
I have been and am still back and forth; doubting, wondering my purpose; but, then I think about my abilities, skills, and my beautiful family...then I remember.

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Trust your crazy ideas!

Trust your crazy IDEAS. 
Harness the magic of your creativity.
Share your gifts with the world. 
Turn your dreams into reality.
Express your beautiful self.
Make Your Life AMAZING!

Trust Yourself and your own gut instincts.

Pay attention to this next banner, 
it makes sense. 
We are in our vehicles for our souls!


Breathe In. Breathe Out. Ahhhh...

Breathe In; Breathe Out... Please don't sweat the small stuff! There will always be something, somewhere worse than what you are going through. Even though at the time, it may seem like a very large deal. 

I hope everyone is making the best out of life! Make good choices and conscious decisions!Here is a list of some of the best feelings in the world; you may or may not agree.
Have a wonderful evening, tomorrow and the rest of your life!I hope you don't mind a few words from my sponsors.


Be soft.... Do NOT let the world harden you!


Be kind, even if others cannot be. 
You must find it your heart not to stoop to that level. You have a conscience and you have to live with it. Don't do things that you can't live with.
Some people in this world can be cruel; don't let them turn you cold as well. We all get in bad moods once in awhile; however, we don't have to have a bad personality!

About Me

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My personal journey in life includes being an advocate for suicide prevention and awareness surrounding the stigmas.